The activities of PUMA Cooperation have evolved significantly in recent years.
The contents of the documentation produced by the Functional Groups have been expanded to better respond to the changing national and European supervisory requirements.
The greater complexity of its work and the expanding internal and external relations called for the definition of formalized governance arrangements. The establishment of a governing body with a strategic role has allowed PUMA Cooperation to design and plan its projects in a better way.
Planning is one of the main strategic activities of the Cooperation and is key to (1) planning medium-term supervisory projects, (2) establishing priorities and (3) monitor progress in the implementation of projects. The multi-year plan of projects, reviewed at least once a year by the Strategic Committee, is shared with the stakeholders.
Furthermore, PUMA Cooperation organizes regular meetings with the users of its documentation (banking and financial intermediaries, software companies, service providers, etc.) to offer bespoke training. This includes seminars, webinars and workshops aimed at improving basic and advanced knowledge of supervisory topics (LCR, Anacredit, IFRS9, etc.). These initiatives are an important and much-appreciated opportunity for mutual exchanges that validates the public remit of PUMA Cooperation.
Lastly, the Calendar section includes the dates of meetings of the Strategic Committee, the Functional Groups, as well as seminars, workshops and webinars organized by PUMA Cooperation.